Tom Weber's Home Page

Welcome to Tom's Home Page. I've just started constructing this site, so bear with me. If you find a problem, I would appreciate it if you would notify me by e-mailing me. Best of all would be a screen shot so that I can try to remedy the error.

My music tastes are varied. They range from classical to hard rock, country to folk. Not really into rap and like some opera. One of my favorite singers lately is Robbie Williams. One of my favorite videos that he made is Shame:

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Here is a fun clip that I made from the movie "The Christmas Incident" which Andrea made from clips taken in Christmas 03. More may be found on Tom's page (GI Jack and Audrey's tours) and on Alice's page (Will Christmas 03). This summary clip from the end of the movie shows the joy of a fun family get together. The full move may be viewed on the movie page as Christmas 2003:

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Below are some albums of the Weber family.

Thanksgiving 2010 Old Pictures Circa 1979